EM Protection

Monday, December 9, 2013

We have often been asked how HighChiJewelry is different from other Electromagnetic Protection. We have spent several years researching the effects of HighChi Jewelry on the body. What we've found is not only does our technology protect from negative EMFs and negative energies from others, but more importantly it can release the stress caused by your own negative emotions, attitudes, thoughts and decisions.

Through using the Heartmath™ technology, recognized by hospitals throughout the country, we are able to show that by wearing HighChi jewelry and gently tapping on your pendant with the fingers of your left hand, your heart rate naturally goes coherent. When your heart rate is coherent you are in a no stress zone. Stress is the major cause of aging and disease. Used as intended,HighChi Jewelry can be life changing.

In the following weeks and months we will be unveiling a brilliant new line of energy products including energy apps for your iPhone, Blackberry or Android!  We have also created ground breaking and elegant processes (elegant as defined as the least amount of effort with the most amount of result) to release the stress and negative emotions which are in the way of having what you most desire!

With Love and Respect,


I was in deep in meditation this morning and what became crystal clear is that negative EMF's from cell phones, cell phone towers and other electromagnetic carrrying waves are not nearly as detrimental to us as our own negative thoughts and feelings. It is also our own lack of forgiveness for ourselves and others that causes so much pain and needless suffering.

What is so exceptional about HighChi Jewerly is that it is imbued with White Light. White Light is known to release negative energies, including stress, on the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual levels.

As a gift to youself and your loved ones, whenever you are feeling anxious, overwhelmed, angry or stressed, hold your pendant or gemstone in your left hand and feel the emotion as deeply as you can, saying to yourself, " Even though I am feeling terribly stressed, angry, etc. I completely love, accept and forgive myself."

Continue to feel it deeply and with your right hand just flick it out like you're flicking water off your fingers. It works. It will release. Repeat until you're done!

Once you've let go of what you don't want, you can create what you do want in its place. Like Olympic Athletes do a creative visualization technique, seeing yourself having what you want with all the joy, all the gratitude, and all the love you can feel, and hold it for 33 seconds. The 33 second technique is the most powerful creative visualization technique I know of.  Remember your power is in your emotions, and the only way out is through. All emotions if expresed are positive emotions. For more information on releasing stress, fear, anger and anxiety so your heart rate can be in a coherent, stress free zone, click here!

Wishing you and all your loved ones only the very best for 2011, and may your lives be filled with so much love, so much magic, so much joy, and so much success!



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