Are Pets Sensitive to Energy?

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Recently I received this question from a client: 

Are pets sensitive to energy?

The answer is: 

Yes, animals are sensitive to environmental energies, particularly negative energies. 

Does your pet look sad? Has it become unusually restless? Or are there changes in eating/sleeping habits? These could all be symptoms of exposure to EMF Electro-Smog pollution.

I don’t know if most of us think about the ramifications of our pets being exposed to EMF pollution. Electromagnetic energies are wreaking havoc with not only us but our pets. Scientific and medical studies show that exposure to these toxic electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) can lead to emotional and physical health problems.

We are always engulfed in electromagnetic fields or EMFs. EMFs are the invisible sources of energy that are around anything with electric power or wireless transmission. The bio-electric currents present in our bodies are often disturbed by these electromagnetic waves emitted from computers, mobile phones, and all other electrical appliances. The EMFs create a harmful environment of radiation that causes many health risks to people and animals.

Although we are all exposed to the same amount of radiation, animals can sense energy better than we can.  Just like humans, each bio-field is different and each pet has a different sensitivity to energy. Keeping your pet protected from harmful EMF radiation is very important. 

Everything in the Universe, ourselves, our pets, our furniture, our plants, everything; is made up of atoms. These atoms are constantly in motion, vibrating at differing rates. When we get sick, it is because the atoms that comprise our bodies are not all vibrating at a harmonious rate. HighChi Energy is beautifully balanced and creates a harmonious and beautiful subtle energy armoring for you and your pets. 

For more info please contact Deborah.


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