Energy Vampires

Monday, December 9, 2013

by Judith Orloff, M.D.

Each millisecond of our relationships is governed by a give and take of energy. Some people make us more electric or at ease. Yet others suck the life right out of us. As a physician and intuitive,  I want to verify that energy vampires roam the world sapping our exuberance, an epidemic that medical texts don’t address. In my medical practice and workshops, I’ve seen their fang marks and the carnage they’ve strewn. But even my most caring traditional medical colleagues lack the conceptual framework to see what’s all around them. Thus, alas, the public remains uninformed, and many of us mope around as unwitting casualties, enduring a preventable fatigue. 

Here are some signs to watch for that you’ve encountered an energy vampire: Consider: 

  • Does my chest tighten every time a certain person enters the conversation?
  • Do I run for the refrigerator and stuff myself after an interaction? 
  • Do I need a nap after hanging up the phone with someone?
  • Do I have a headache, feel queasy, or slimed when a guest at a party starts talking to me?
  • Does my energy bottom out at family dinners? At staff meetings? Or other social gatherings?
  • Do I feel attacked, criticized, or blamed in a relationship?
  • Is a person so needy or clinging she seems to stick to me like fly-paper?

There are many types of energy vampires to watch out for. There is the Sob Sister, who endlessly complains without solutions; The Drama Queen who wears you out with her breathy emotional dramas; The Constant talker who doesn’t let you get a word in edgewise; The Blamer who criticizes. The Go For the Jugular Type who maliciously inflicts damage. Even your mates and children can be unwitting vampires. In each case you need to know what to do. 

Energy Vampire Survival Strategies 

1.Take an inventory of people in your life who give energy, and people who drain. Specifically identify the energy vampires, and begin to evaluate ones you'd like to limit contact with or eliminate. Plan at least one complete afternoon with people who give off positive energy and avoid drainers. Notice how this beneficially affects your physical and emotional well-being.

2. Set Clear Boundaries. It’s crucial to limit the time you spend discussing a vampire’s gripes or say “no” to unreasonable requests. When approaching her, remember: the difference between being a bitch and setting boundaries is attitude. Instead of saying, “You’re selfish and self-obsessed, I can’t take you anymore,” which a part of you likely feels, take a breath and shift to your heart.

3. Meditate. Sitting in meditation is a life-line to your center, to the earth. it will ground you when you’ve been struck by a vampire. By calming the mind, you can re-align with your essence. Close your eyes. Focus on your breath. Then gently extend your awareness downward to strata, bedrock, minerals, and soil. From the base of your spine begin to feel continuity with the earth's core. Picture having a long tail that roots in that center. Allow the earth's energy to infuse your body and stabilize you. If you meditate for five minutes or an hour this is sacred time.

4. Walk away. If you feel your energy being zapped don't hesitate to politely excuse yourself from a killing conversation. Move at least twenty feet from the person, outside the range of his or her energy field. “I have to go to the bathroom” is a foolproof line. Most people are oblivious to how their energy impacts others. For years, reluctant to hurt anyone's feelings, I needlessly endured these types of situations and suffered. How many of us are so loathe to appear rude that a raving maniac can be right in our face, and still we don't budge for fear of offending? In a spot, physically removing yourself is a sure quick solution.

5. Build an energy shield around you. When you’re with vampires you can’t get away from visualize a protective shield of while light surrounding every inch of you. This lets positive energy in, but keeps negative energy out—particularly efficient for vampires at family dinners or social events where you’re trapped.


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